Chapel provides an opportunity of corporate worship, fellowship, spiritual growth and student involvement.
Calvary Christian Academy has weekly chapel services for students of all ages.
In Campus 1, grades preschool K2 – 6th grade, we provide three separate chapel services in order to provide a unique and age-appropriate message for our students. Pastor John Bowman, the Children’s and Family Life Pastor of Calvary Church, provides a non-denominational and high energy message to engage our students in going deeper spiritually. Pastor John also leads an elementary student worship team, which provides opportunities for our students to minister in the gifts and talents God has given them. Older students have also been known to assist with the presentations for younger students to model leadership. Studies show that when students get involved with ministry opportunities, they are more likely to “stand firm” in their faith when attending secular universities. This is just one of the many ways CCA prepares students to be firm in their faith.
- Preschool K3 & K4 – Fridays at 10:15 a.m.
- 5th – 6th grades – Fridays at 8:40 a.m.
- K5 – 4th grades – Fridays at 9:35 a.m.

In Campus 2, students in grades 7th – 12th receive a variety of chapel experiences throughout the year. CCA partners with local pastors, youth pastors, and other ministry leaders locally, regionally, and nationally to provide strong Christian worldview training that will inspire our students to go deeper in their faith. We have hosted speakers from Answers in Genesis, college professors, authors, international speakers, and many more inspirational leaders to help our students get exposure to the vast amounts of ministry opportunities they can support in the future. Campus 2 students are also provided with rich opportunities to lead their peers in worship, speaking, and prayer. This training allows students growth opportunities and valuable experience in how to properly lead a group of people into a worship experience based on “Spirit and Truth”.
Our chapel experiences have been some of the richest spiritual experiences in our school and we cherish the opportunity to speak life into our students in this corporate fellowship. We have seen very talented and gifted students go on to take active roles on their church’s worship teams. We also train a few students per year on the soundboard and technology required to run a church service.
Students are challenged weekly to live a Christ-centered life through powerful messages brought by Godly men and women who are committed to passing the torch to the next generation. Chapel is an important part of student’s spiritual development because it provides opportunities to hear from a plethora of speakers from all walks of life and experiences. When students hear the same message from parents at home, teachers at school, and speakers at church, they benefit from the consistency, synergy, and validity it brings. It takes the “body” of believers to raise a child.
- Campus 2 chapel services are held every Friday at 8:45 a.m.
Please join us for chapel any time; we welcome our parents as guests.